We have our annual AGM and first talk of the year February 27th. Vivien Kent will give a talk titled 'Return of the Otter'. Please see the the calendar for details of our 2025 events programme. If you have any suggestions for walks or talk, please let us know, our contact details are at the bottom of this page. Wildlife is an important part of Weardale's landscape but much of it is being lost. In order to conserve and protect our natural heritage we want to play our part in understanding our wildlife and encouraging others to enjoy our surroundings. We aim to: - Bring together people interested in wildlife
- Record key wildlife species and their habitats
- Encourage local interest in wildlife and conservation
- Share our knowledge and skills with other groups and organisations
If you would like to get involved, your enthusiasm and interest would be warmly welcome. Please see our calendar for upcoming walks, talks, gatherings and events. Please feel free to send your photos for our photo gallery. Please note, we have a no dog policy. Our email is enquiries@weardalewildlifegroup.co.uk or check out our facebook page. Useful links are below: To record wildlife follow the link for the AONB's recording site irecord. A great recording site where species are identified for you is Inaturalist |